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These are program's I've used in the past, they are simple, to the point, no thrills, no fluff and no BS! These programs are flexible, adaptable and can be incorporated easily into your existing program (if you know what you’re doing!).


Who is Ed Coan? Well if you don't know then you must be knowing to powerlifting because he is a G.O.A.T in powerlifting! If they had a lifetime achievement award, he would have one! He is up there with Bill Kaz, Kirk Karwoski, Lee Moran, Doug Young, Fred Hatfield, Don Reinhoudt, and Paul Anderson.


During Ed Coan's career he broke a whopping 71 world records and 30 unofficial world records throughout his career. Ed Coan was not the heaviest powerlifter; he wasn't even the heaviest in his weight class! Which is what makes his feats of strength so impressive! His lifts were way above what others at the time were doing in his class or weight classes above!


Ed Coan was the lightest lifter to cross the 2,400 lbs total barrier in the powerlifting. In 1991 competing in the 220 lbs class, Ed deadlifted 901 lbs which was another world record that stood for a very long time. It is considered still to this day to be one of the most impressive feats of strength ever completed.


Ed Coan’s best result in an international, and drug tested, competition is 1,035 kg (2,282 lbs) in the 100 kg weight class at the 1994 IPF International Powerlifting Federation, Senior World Championships. This at the time was a world record.


12 Week Peaking Program

The 12-week peaking program can be adapted to all three main lifts (squat, bench press, deadlift). It's a frequency of just one session per week starting week one performing 2 sets of 10 reps at 70% of your one rep max (1RM). Then finishing week 12 for 1 heavy single at your new projected max which is 111.1% of your current 1RM (11.1% heavier).


The lifter never perform's more than 2 sets for each session, as the intensity increases the volume and number of reps per set decreases: 2x10/2x8/2x5/2x3/2x2 then you peak 1x1 week 12.


14 Week Peaking Program

My personal opinion, this program is better suited for the Squat and Bench Press, the main difference between this 14 week and the 12 week is the intensity percentages which is why it's two weeks longer in duration than the first program.


 You start at a lower intensity of 66.7% of 1RM for week one-two instead of 70.4%. In addition, week 13 you perform 107%.4 for a heavy single which is left out in the 12-week peaking program.


Ed Coan's 12 and 14 week programs are powerlifting programs that are designed to help you increase your 1 rep max (one rep max) in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. The 12 week program is more geared towards beginners, while the 14 week program is more geared towards intermediate and advanced lifters. 


Both programs are based on a pyramid system, which means that you will start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the weight as you get closer to your working sets. For your working sets, you will use a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain good form.


The 12 week program includes two workouts per week, while the 14 week program includes three workouts per week. Each workout includes a variety of exercises, including compound exercises such as the squat, bench press, and deadlift, as well as accessory exercises such as rows, pulls, and presses.


Here is a sample workout from the Ed Coan 12 week program:

Workout A

  • Squat: 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Bench press: 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Rows: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Pull-ups: 3 sets to failure

Workout B

  • Deadlift: 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Overhead press: 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Bicep curls: 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Tricep extensions: 3 sets of 10-12 reps

You will alternate between Workout A and Workout B each workout day.


To progress on the Ed Coan 12 or 14 week program, you will add weight to your working sets each workout. The amount of weight you add will depend on the lift and your individual progress. For example, you might add 5 pounds to your squat and 2.5 pounds to your bench press each workout.


If you are unable to complete all of your reps and sets on a particular lift, you can deload by reducing the weight by 10%.


The Ed Coan 12 and 14 week programs are great options for lifters who are looking to improve their strength and build muscle. They are well-designed and effective programs that can help you achieve your fitness goals.


Here are some tips for the Ed Coan 12 and 14 week programs:

  • Start with a weight that is challenging but allows you to maintain good form.
  • Focus on maintaining good form throughout each rep.
  • Don't be afraid to deload if you need to.
  • Get enough rest and nutrition.
  • Be patient and consistent.


Ed Coan 12 & 14 Week Program

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